In this paper, the preparation method and shielding effectiveness ( SE) of PC/ ABS composite engineering plastics with nickel-coated carbon fiber ( NCF) are researched. 研究了镀镍碳纤维(NCF)增强工程塑料(PC/ABS)的制备和影响其屏蔽效能的因素。
Sampling and preparation method for analysis raw material for pulp 纸浆原料分析-取样方法和制备方法
Both the preparation method and the required equipment are unknown in the cuisine of Mongolia of today. 双方的制备方法和所需要的设备是未知的菜蒙古今天。
The invention discloses a basic ionic liquid, a preparation method thereof, and the application. 本发明公开了一种碱性离子液体及其制备方法与应用。
The invention discloses an additive of phenolic resin, the preparation method and phenolic resin adhesive for the additive. 本发明提供一种酚醛树脂的添加剂、其制备方法及含该添加剂的酚醛树脂胶粘剂。
The preparation method of the polishing grinding block is introduced, the performance experiment is represented and the factors to influence the polishing effect are analyzed. 介绍了抛光磨块的制备方法,阐述了磨抛性能试验,分析了影响抛光效果的各种因素。
The invention provides natural pyrethrins pollen and the preparation method thereof. 本发明为天然除虫菊素花粉剂及制备方法。
This invention relates to a mesoporous material containing fibrous nm silver and preparation method. 本发明涉及含有纤维状纳米银的介孔材料及其制备方法。
The kinds, application and preparation method of nano scale materials are introduced. 介绍了纳米材料的种类,应用及制备方法。
This article summarized the research advance of the pharmacological effects, preparation method, determination of content and formulation application of breviscapine. 从药理作用、制备方法、含量检测以及制剂应用等四个方面对灯盏花素的研究进展进行了综述。
The preparation method and technic of CR/ MMT nanocomposite was researched. 在此基础上研究了制备氯丁橡胶/蒙脱石纳米复合材料的方法和工艺。
This paper paid the emphasis on the preparation method of the mesopore ACF and absorption property. 本文著重阐述中孔活性碳纤维的制造方法及其吸附特性。
The invention discloses a composite resin and a preparation method thereof. 本发明公开了一种复合树脂及其制备方法。
The invention discloses an ultra-thin silica-based particle detector and a preparation method thereof. 本发明公开了一种超薄硅基粒子探测器及其制备方法。
Using methylene blue as the degradation object, the effects of sulfurization temperature, photocatalyst dosage and preparation method on the degradation rate of methylene blue were studied. 以亚甲基蓝为目标降解物,考察了硫化温度、催化剂加入量和制备方法对亚甲基蓝降解率的影响。
The invention discloses a film former for seed coating and the preparation method thereof. 本发明公开了一种用于种子包衣的成膜剂及其制备方法。
The preparation method of a solid defoamer for papermaking was discussed in this paper. 讨论一种在造纸过程中应用的固体消泡剂的制备方法和应用。
In this paper, the preparation method of gas reference material of carbon dioxide in air for environmental monitoring is introduced. 介绍了环境监测用空气中二氧化碳标准气体的制备方法。
Effect of the Improved Preparation Method on the Structure and Acidity of WO_3/ ZrO_2 Solid Superacid 改进制备过程对WO3/ZrO2固体超强酸结构和酸性的影响
The invention discloses a catalyst carrier for coal liquification oil hydrogenation on boiling bed and the preparation method. 本发明公开了一种煤液化油沸腾床加氢处理催化剂载体及其制备方法。
The invention discloses a modifying glassy carbon electrode with a carbon nanotube-DNA complex, a preparation method and an application thereof. 本发明公开了一种碳纳米管-DNA复合物修饰的玻炭电极及其制备方法和应用。
The preparation method of middle based calcium alkyl salicylate improved in compatibility wasdescribed. 介绍了一种相容性能改善的中碱值烷基水杨酸钙盐添加剂的制备方法。
A novel preparation method to synthesize DEDB by using aluminium phosphotungstate catalyst was developed. 蒋维开发了一种用磷钨酸铝催化合成二甘醇二苯甲酸酯的新方法。
Research on the Preparation Method of Zein Nano-Fibers 玉米醇溶蛋白纳米纤维的制备技术研究
An improved sample preparation method coupled with HPLC system was performed to determine the formaldehyde in raw Lentinus edodes. 建立了一种新的样品前处理方法配合高效液相色谱测定鲜香菇中甲醛含量。
And the toxicity of cinnabar could be avoided by normalizing the preparation method, controlling the dosage and duration. 通过规范用药方法,控制用药剂量和用药时间是可以避免朱砂中毒的。
Effect of Preparation Method on Properties of ALN-Mo Composite Ceramics 制备方法对AlN-Mo复合陶瓷性能的影响
The measurement accuracy control, hardware design and software engineering preparation method are from the projecting practice, which provides some reference and practical value. 其中计量精度控制方法、硬件设计方法和软件编制方法来自于工程实际,有一定的参考和实用价值。
OBJECTIVE To establish a preparation method for working reference substance of alliin. 目的建立蒜氨酸工作对照品。
Saute-stir is an important dish preparation method in the Chinese cookery. 滑炒是我国烹调技法中的一个重要的菜肴烹调方法。